Most persons want to own their own home. To some its just a dream that starts to fade away as they grow older. To others it means finding a way to increase their monthly income or finding the right partner so that their dream can become a reality. As property prices increase steadily the qualifying income also increases sometimes to unattainable limits for single income earner. Let me just share a couple things I've come across over time. Buy a fixer upper I know it sounds strange but consider the cost of a livable fixer up in a good neighbourhood vs the cost of a completed property. Purchasing a fixer upper allows you to own your home, move in and do renovations over time. Please keep in mind that you should compare your monthly payment that is, (paying a landlord vs owning your own property). Rental Income I know you first house is your home but its also a major asset in your portfolio. How comfortable are you paying the bank $3000,$5000, or $10000 monthly and bec...
Some of us needs to practice more self-control.