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How to save for that dream vacation

So you want to vacation in a special place. I know planning could be really tricky. Here's a few tricks I used to save on travel cost.

1) Consider searching for your hotel accommodations months in advance. Using sites like and Priceline allows you to book a hotel and pay for it on arrival. Even if you change your mind there's the option of free cancellation. Booking your hotel months in advance guarantees you the absolute lowest price.

2)  Consider using the miles on your MasterCard to pay for your airline travel. It could save you a bundle especially when your destination is Europe or  North America. Your total cost will include taxes only.

3) Foreign currency is difficult to obtain now, but a little goes a long way. Why not buy small amounts monthly and accumulate your foreign currency over time. It works!!

4) Finally, here's a trick that works for me all the time. Identify a short term savings account in the financial institution of your choice, set up a monthly deduction ensuring it comes out directly from your salary. Eventually, if you don't see it you won't miss it.


  1. Definitely using credit cards that accommodates miles for travel helps my family of four to have reduced cost for flights. I also like the idea of buying the foreign currency but by bit. Thanks for the tips!

  2. These are excellent tips that I have also unconsciously been doing myself (with the hotel and forex situations) but the new idea for a separate account and have automatic deductions is actually quite brilliant so thank you for this wonderful tip.

    1. I'm glad you found the info helpful. please feel free to share the blog with your friends

  3. Great tips! You can even join travel membership clubs like Travel Club TT, to get discounts on all inclusive hotel packages. (Flight + accommodation + meals)

  4. Great tips. I especially like the savings part cause a lot of persons try to plan and try to accumulate last minute.


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